Lucifer: The Impossible Ella Lopez Quiz

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Lucifer Ella Lopez

A religious, but open-minded girl with a bubbly personality and a habit of hugging people is what every police department needs. Ella Lopez is, without any doubt, one of the funniest and most enthusiastic characters on television.

The Los Angeles Police Department's hugging machine was a huge fan of joke stealer Bobby Lowe. She was one of the few people who got along easily with Lucifer and idolised his relationship with Chloe. It’s a little surprising how positivity, high moral standards, faith and mischievous ideas can be so perfectly combined in one tiny little person. If you're having trouble remembering, it was Ella that got a stripper for Chloe's birthday, not Lucifer. She also had a one-night stand with her colleague and dated a serial murderer. What else do you need?

Despite her curious mind and ability to question everything, she is the only person that doesn’t know about Lucifer’s big secret. Will she eventually find out remains to be seen, but one thing is certain, she has secrets of her own. Let’s see whether you know them or not.

Answers at the end!

1. What Was The Name Of The Episode Where Ella First Appeared?


Aimee Klapisch hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.