Luke Cage Season 1: 13 Best Moments

12. Tone Takes Flight (Episode 2: Code Of The Streets)

Luke Cage Prison

Tone, one of Cottonmouth's lackeys, shoots up Pop's barbershop in an attempt to kill Chico, but ends up taking out Pop as collateral damage.

Cottonmouth was fond of Pop and so, when Tone is flippant about Pop's death during a rooftop meeting (saying "s*** happens"), he grabs Tone and throws him off the roof. In one smooth, unbroken shot, we see him fall through the air and land on a car, dead.

It's the most technically accomplished moment in the entire first season, and cements Cottonmouth's savagey but also the clear admiraton he had for Pops. Hilariously, his murder of Tone also scares off Turk Barrett, who arrived on the roof to be paid by Tone for locating Chico.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.