Mad Men Review: Top 5 Things From "A Tale of Two Cities"

2. Don Goes Off The Deep End ojoj Season six has seen Don Draper, for better or worse, embrace the growing drug culture of 1968. Sparking up doobies, illicit drug use, and smoking from a hookah have all been staples of the current season as Don wades deeper and deeper in. While attending a drug-fueled west coast party, Don wanders off to partake in a little sheesha, but while canoodling with a blonde stranger, Don dreams up that his wife Megan shows up. After signaling she was OK with his "sharing", Megan tells Don she quit her job and they have a baby on the way, all in Don's mind, as she leads him out back to the pool. Ironic, as earlier in the episode Megan suggested Don go for a swim as it helps him clear his head. Don awakens from his stupor face-down in a pool, needing resuscitation from Roger. But what brought Don to a potentially early watery grave? Was it the idea of a burgeoning family with Megan? His former life as Dick Whitman? Or was Don just so inebriated he fell in?

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A mild-mannered grad student writing on topics such as film, television, comic books and news.