Marvel's Iron Fist: 44 Easter Eggs & Reference You Must See

33. The Order Of The Crane Mother

Marvel Netflix Daredevil Madame Gao Crane Mother
Marvel Comics

In the third episode, Danny reveals some of his backstory, including the fact that he was rescued from the aftermath of the plane crash by two monks - named Chodak and Toshi - who are members of the Order Of The Crane Mother.

In the comics, the Crane Mother is the ruler of K'Un-Zi - another of the Seven Cities of Heaven, of which K'Un-Lun is another - who becomes the enemy of Iron Fist when he refuses to participate in the Tournament Of The Heavenly Cities (a tournament between each city's Immortal Weapon to determine the hierarchy of the cities). Her weapon was Davos, who of course turns up in the show.

There has long been speculation that Madame Gao - who returns for a more substantial role here - would be revealed to be the Crane Mother, but clearly that's not the case by the end of the season. She is the sworn enemy of the Iron Fist, in a way, but it doesn't wholly carry over.


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