Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 2: 29 Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

12. Kilgrave

Jessica Jones Kilgrave

As was hinted at before the show's return, David Tennant returns as season one villain Kilgrave to give the second season a major shot in the arm.

He returns as Jessica starts to lose her control on reality and becomes susceptible to his sort of influence once more.

Interestingly, the show uses purple motifs throughout, even when not explicitly using Kilgrave. While some might say that the use of that palette indicates that she's reclaiming the colour, it actually feels a lot more like confirmation that he's still part of her. Even when she sends his spectre away at the end, he says he'll be around when she needs him, and the scene of her mother's death is heavily tinged with purple to reflect how close she comes to losing control again.


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