Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 2: 29 Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

24. The Secret Invasion Gag

Super Skrull
Marvel Comics

Right at the start of the first episode, there's a cheeky little Secret Invasion gag that could well pay-off in Captain Marvel and Phase 4 of the MCU.

In the montage of "cranks" who visit Jessica - including The Whizzer - another prospective client mentions "lizard people" walking around disguised as real humans - including Jay-Z. Clearly, that could be a joke about the Iluminati, but it should also sound familiar to fans of the Skrulls.

In the Secret Invasion comic event, it's revealed that the Skrulls - who do look a little like lizard people, admittedly - have infiltrated Earth and are posing as real people, including superheroes. So maybe her "crazy" claims do have a basis in fact, after all?


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