Marvel's Luke Cage: 44 Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

23. Black Mariah

Luke Cage Easter Eggs

Cottonmouth risks the wrath of Mariah by calling her Black Mariah (just as he hates being called Cottonmouth). She has good reason: the character from the comics that she's based on is an awful caricature and a monstrous beast.

The comic character got her name from the slang term for police vans in Harlem in the 1800's, perhaps because that's roughly what size she is. In truth, the character on screen is very different to her more villainous counterpart on the page, but by the end of the series she's definitely on her way to being more like her.

In episode 6, she wears a particularly garish flowery outfit: it's definitely a reference to her comic book appearances...


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