Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D: 5 Things We Can't Wait To See

2. Awesome Street-Level Action

Agents Of Shield We all love our fill of aliens and gods every now and then, but it's also good to bring the action down to a more earthly level once in a while - it's the exact reason that the likes of Batman and Daredevil are such popular comic book characters - and that's what this show will be all about. It will deal with the little things (I use that term comparatively, given what we've seen in the MCU movies, not literally) that S.H.I.E.L.D have to deal with, on a less planet-threatening scale, and will focus on the more intricate details of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Earth. It will also give an endless potential supply of Marvel's minor characters a chance to shine and, who knows, if characters become popular enough on the show, they may get their own movie or, at the very least, a small part in one of the many upcoming MCU movies.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.