Marvel's Daredevil: 31 Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

14. The Not Daily Bugle

Battle Of New York

Strictly speaking, Daredevil should have included The Daily Bugle, but because Marvel and Sony hadn't yet worked out their relationship problems, the Netflix show had to replace the iconic paper (and the chance to potentially see at least a J Jonah Jameson cameo) with The New York Bulletin

Ben Urich - previously played by Joe Pantoliano as the only good part of the Ben Affleck film - works for the paper, and while he meets a surprising end in season 1, his appearances offer a couple of good Easter Eggs.

In the background of his office, there's a framed headline dedicated to the Battle of New York, referring once more to the devastating end of the Avengers movie.

Hopefully The Daily Bugle will be written back in for season 2.

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