Marvel's Daredevil: 31 Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

26. Rand, Josie's And Roxxon

Battle Of New York

As is to be expected the universe is fleshed out with references to Marvel companies. At one point a Rand Corporation truck can be seen in the background, having gifted Matt his blindness. And of course there's Fogwell's Gym, which went out of business in the comics.

Josie’s Bar also appears, which has been around in Daredevil comics for a long old time, and usually serves as an information mine (much like Fogwell's).

And of course, the familiar name of Roxxon is brought up when Murdock and Nelson work for Landman/Zakk: it makes sense they would be caught up with the law since they're the corporate devils in both Agent Carter and Iron Man 2.

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