Marvel’s Daredevil Season 2: 32 Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

9. Karen's Past

After lots of flirting in the first season with the idea that Karen has a dark past, we finally get a little more of the shadows in her upbringing that made her think she deserves to be punished. That much is established when Geoffrey Cantor's Mitchell Ellison presents her with Ben Urich's research file on her (creepy!), that includes newspaper clippings. Clearly this is going to play some part in future episodes of the show, and has been drawn from Daredevil: Born Again (as was the origin of Nuke, who was introduced in Jessica Jones). And while Karen's personal story might not include pornography and heroin, the fact that she's haunted by a crime (murder by the look of it), suggests this is the source.

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