Marvel's Jessica Jones: 33 Easter Eggs & References You Probably Missed

29. The Patsy Walker References

The show introduces Jessica Jones' best friend in the shape of Patricia "Trish" Walker, who Marvel fans will know is actually a superhero in her own right. She's a meta-character in essence: before her career as a talk-show host she had her own comics - under her other name Patsy Walker - which were released in the real world before a clever re-write saw those comics reimagined as fictional publications within the Marvel universe. Walker was then introduced as superhero Hellcat (having worked with Hank McCoy and picking up her powers from an augmented outfit), complete with red hair and a fetching yellow costume There are references in the show to her comics persona - like the creepy fan who appears and tells her he misses her red hair while carrying (and dropping one of her costumes). In both the comic and the show, Walker puts her past as a manufactured character behind her, and while she doesn't actually blossom into Hellcat in the show there's a chance she could in future seasons. It's certainly been foreshadowed, what with the presence of her red wig in a later episode, Jessica's challenge that she should wear a cape, and her taking the super soldier drugs in Ep 11 to fight.

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