Marvel's Netflix Series: 10 Things You Need To Know

10. They're All About "Street Level" Heroes

When Agents Of SHIELD premièred it had a lot to live up to. With Agent Coulson on board it was spinning directly out of Avengers, the biggest blockbuster of the decade (or possibly even ever), which itself had worked up to an epic, universe-spanning, city-levelling scope on the back of the preceding handful of Marvel superhero films. As such, audiences were expecting a similar scope from the TV show. But it's a lot easier for a multi-million dollar film to achieve that level of scope across ninety minutes than for a twenty-episode network television programme. The pacing, writing and €“ crucially €“ budget just aren't up to that task. With their Netflix series, Marvel appear to have realised that they need smaller stories for the small screen, and leave the big cosmic, Earth-shattering stuff for the movies. All the heroes in the Netflix shows will stay resolutely at ground level; no Asgard, Infinity Stones or Thanos for them.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at