Marvel's The Punisher: 9 Reasons It's A Disappointment

3. Little Understanding Of Technology

The Punisher Disappointment

"There's enough C4 here to blow up ten supercomputers." So went one of the worst lines in movie history, penned by a writer clearly unaware that supercomputers aren't armored Humvees. That was uttered by John Connor in Terminator 3, blind to the fact that a simple grenade would do the job.

The writers behind The Punisher don't seem to have a significantly better grasp on technology. A key plot point in the series is a computerized countdown, at the end of which, a copy of a torture video implicating U.S. soldiers, and CIA spymaster William Rawlins, will be sent out to major media outlets.

Over the course of an episode, Billy Russo and Rawlins try to figure out how to defeat the countdown, bringing in their own hacker, and torturing Frank Castle for information.

Not once did they bother to kill the power. Or cut the internet connection.

Maybe there was a cellular backup, maybe there was a backup generator to fail over onto in a power outage, but both would be easy enough to overcome.

Bonus points for mishandling tech: Micro's daughter is told to take the battery and SIM card out of her phone, and throw them in opposite directions. Why? They'd still land all of ten feet apart. Tell her to smash the SIM next time.


Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.