Mayans MC: 10 Most Dangerous Characters, Ranked

7. Dita Galindo

Mayans MC Miguel Galindo

Dita Galindo is the mother of Miguel Galindo, the current head of the Galindo Cartel, as well as the ex-wife of Jose Galindo and ex-lover of Ignacio Cortina, aka Felipe Reyes, father of EZ and Angel Reyes.

Dita appears to be hands-off and oblivious when it comes to the Galindo Cartel but don't be fooled, one doesn't get to be the matriarch of one of the deadliest cartels in Mexico by sitting idly by. Dita secretly ordered the hit on Felipe Reyes which resulted in the death of Marisol Reyes, EZ's mother. Although Dita seemed somewhat remorseful for her actions, she would do it again without question. Who knows who else Dita has killed over the years?

Mrs. Galindo had also been historically unfaithful to her husband, the boss of a drug cartel, carrying on a romantic relationship with Ignacio Cortina for years behind his back. Considering the profound consequences if she were to ever get caught, Dita may have had a death wish all along.

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