MCU: 10 Best Marvel Netflix Moments
9. Punisher - Russo Becomes Jigsaw

Russo may not have been the most compelling of villains to grace Marvel's Netflix series, but my goodness was his depiction as an annoyingly arrogant antagonist a darn effective one.
Ben Barnes was fabulous at really emulating the persona of Russo to the point where viewers increasingly wanted Jon Bernthal's Punisher to put one between the villain's eyes as the show continued.
They didn't exactly get their wish in the first season, but what did happen more than fit the bill.
As fans of the comics knew, Russo was destined to become Jigsaw, a villain who has this name due to the horrible scarring on his face and, in the season finale of the Punisher, the character finally received said scarring.
Seeing Frank drag Russo's pretty face against a mirror was certainly a sight - one of the darkest and yet most satisfying in all the Netflix shows.