MCU What If...? - 9 Biggest Takeaways From Episode 2

6. The Collector's Collection

What If...? T'Challa
Marvel Studios

In Guardians of the Galaxy, just a glimpse of the Collector’s collection was offered. He had in his possession, among other things, a Dark Elf, Cosmo the Spacedog, Howard the Duck, a cocoon that looked suspiciously like an Adam Warlock birthing pod at the time, and he asked to purchase Groot’s carcass at the moment of his death.

This was impressive at the time, however now pales in comparison to what he was able to amass without Thanos looming in the background. He still had many, if not all of these same things, including Carina who acted as his slave/curator on Knowhere, but it was his arsenal of weapons that made him a formidable opponent.

Malekith’s dagger, Captain America’s vibranium shield, Korg’s arm, Hela’s necrosword, and Thor’s hammer were all in his possession, and though he didn’t use the shield, and probably couldn’t wield Mjolnir if he tried, he used the other three weapons to great use.

This also raises the further question of what happened to those who used to be in possession of such things. Howard the Duck mentioned that there were Kronans and Dark Elves there, but what about Steve Rogers, Thor, and Hela? Were they a part of his collection too, or just their weapons?

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.