How I Met Your Mother: 10 Ways The Finale Totally Lived Up To Expectations

7. We See The Mother In The Gang

Throughout Season 9 we've been given some beautiful flash-forwards from the present day to see Ted and Tracy together, a lot of which have been set once again at the Farhampton Inn, including Ted's proposal at the lighthouse, and the touching moment in episode 19, Vesuvius, in which Tracy tells Ted not to become a man who lives in the past, and Ted starts to cry. But we'd only rarely seen her as a part of the gang, completing the 6-some that this show has always been heading towards. Once again, the finale delivered. We finally got to see the dynamic once Ted and Tracy found each other, with Tracy joining them at MacLaren's as well as having the gang over to Ted and Tracy's house (above). Of course, this is nothing like the Season 9 that some fans were hoping for a year ago, possibly documenting the first year of Ted and Tracy's relationship rather than mostly focussing on the weekend they met, but it gave us enough of a glimpse into the new group to make it count. And even after the divorce, Robin was still around for the big moments, and we got the whole group together for Ted and Tracy's wedding for one final group shot.

I'm a British filmmaker (or, at least, trying to be) and about to graduate with a Film Studies degree. Most of the time I should spend working is actually on Netflix so I obviously have loads of life experience to share with you lovely people.