Midnight Mass Explained

1. Is Religion Good Or Evil?

Midnight Mass

It should be evident by now that religion plays a key role in Midnight Mass.

The show was a deeply personal project to Flanagan which drew upon his own fears and anxieties surrounding faith from his Catholic upbringing. It shouldn't be a surprise, then, that the show is populated with dozens of thoughtful meditations on a range of theological subjects.

But is religion portrayed as being positive or negative? The answer is: both.

The religious fervour which engulfs the island highlights the danger and horror which fanaticism and blind faith can have. Alongside the vampiric antics, it's Bev's increasingly deranged behaviour that exemplifies the true dark side of faith. She continuously uses her beliefs to justify her own cruelty and sense of importance, which leads to some of the most harrowing sequences towards the end.

However, religion is also portrayed as a source of comfort and serenity throughout the series too.

Flanagan achieves this best by using hymns within the soundtrack. Giving the relevant sequences a sense of profound calm and melancholy, Flanagan captures the spirituality of the sacred music and allows its emotion to wash over viewers.

At the end of everything, it's song the townsfolk turn to for hope, and the effect is devastating.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.