Mike Colter Talks Marvel's Luke Cage Netflix Show

"Luke Cage is going to have soul."

Mike Colter has spoken with the LA Times about his upcoming reprisal of his role as Luke Cage in next year's solo Netflix series of the same name. Colter impressed a lot of people with his debut in Jessica Jones a couple of months ago, and it's nice to hear that he feels truly invested in the role and giving the show a very distinctive voice;

"Luke Cage is going to have soul, it's going to have intensity, it's going to have dark parts to it. I think what's going to make it unique is also the musicality of it. There's going to be a musical taste that you found a little bit in Jessica ."
Sounds good to me, as vague as it all is. If anyone was wondering whether we'll see Luke in his familiar stomping grounds of Harlem, worry no more.
"Luke Cage is going to define itself in that way, and it's going to define itself in the locations that we're doing. It's no secret that you're going to find Luke Cage uptown after the series is over, so the things that happen to him and Jessica will affect him. And then when you find him months later in Harlem, you'll see him in a different setting."
That's a familiar amount of double-speak centred around the fact that whilst Colter is filming, he really can't say much about anything of value. But, he did find the time to mention that this time out, Luke Cage might not exactly be very similar to the guy we met in Jessica Jones;
"Luke Cage and Jessica are so intertwined, it's nice to have that familiarity with the character prior to going into your own series. That being said, this character does go off in another direction once he leaves that series, so it's almost like a reboot in a sense. He's the same person, but where we find him, we'll be able to find out so much more about him when we shine the spotlight on him."
After Daredevil and Jessica Jones were such great critical and commercial successes, you've got to imagine that the cast and crew of Luke Cage are feeling the pressure. No one wants to be the first Marvel-Netflix series to drop the ball and deliver a sub-par product, so I reckon it's safe to assume that Luke Cage is going to be on a par with the other established Netflix shows. Luke Cage will be released on Netflix sometime in 2016.

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Luke Cage
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Cinephile since 1993, aged 4, when he saw his very first film in the cinema - Jurassic Park - which is also evidence of damn fine parenting. World champion at Six Degrees of Separation. Lender of DVDs to cheap mates. Connoisseur of Marvel Comics and its Cinematic Universe.