Modern Family Quiz: Finish These Cameron Tucker Quotes

How well do you know the man with pizzazz?

Modern Family Cam

It's impossible to deny just how successful Modern Family truly was.

Running for an incredible 11 seasons, the show was an instant hit and became one of the biggest television shows to ever air. Winning countless awards each year, Modern Family was certainly one of the greats.

The show follows an extended family as they deal with school, work, relationships, and everything else in between. Within this 'Modern Family' are three individual families who are all related to each other through Jay Pritchett, the father of Claire and Mitchell.

Mitchell's husband Cam Tucker grew up on a farm in Missouri and never stops mentioning it, even to the point of causing arguments between the couple. The melodramatic father of two never fails to entertain with his over-the-top reactions to everything and witty remarks to the rest of the family.

While he has the most involvement with Mitchell and their kids, Cam also has great chemistry with the rest of the family, most notably Gloria, with whom he goes on 'girl days' with.

With over 200 episodes of hilarity, Cam has had his fair share of iconic moments, but do you know him well enough to finish his quotes?

1. "Don't Hate Me For Your ____."


A grown up... allegedly