Netflix's Big Mouth Review: 5 Ups & 1 Down

2. Relatable Characters

Big Mouth Season 1

They might just be a group of teenagers, but it's easy to feel for the main characters. We've all been there and experienced their problems so we understand why sometimes they act unpleasantly to others. Andrew and Nick are normal and fun to be around, Jay is a little weird, while Matthew treats other people like entertainment, yet all of these characters are very likeable.

The most triumphant moment of the show is when Daniel is shamed for forcing girls to perform oral sex on him. He's excluded from a party because of his unwillingness to take no for an answer. The boys masturbate and look at women with lust, but they know their boundaries. Jessi and Missy are also well aware of what they're allowed to do and what to say, even though sometimes they cross the line to get their point across.

The adults in the show are also relatable, as they're just so awkward and unable to communicate with their children, that it's also easy to feel for them. Whether they're really trying to teach their children something, or neglect them, they act very consistent and very real.


I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.