Netflix's Big Mouth Review: 5 Ups & 1 Down


1. It Just Needs To Calm Down The Vulgarity

Big Mouth Nick And Andrew Fighting

It seems that the brutal honesty that's such a vital element of the show's success is simultaneously the one obstacle preventing the show from earning even more recognition. Some of the jokes here are distasteful, and the foul language is at times overused.

Yes, teenagers talk that way and the show doesn't sugar coat anything, however toning down on vulgarity would make the show popular also among the teachers, not just the students.

The show is created for viewers 16 and over, which prevents the ones that would most benefit from it - 12-13 year olds, who're also the heroes of this series - from watching it openly, with their teachers and parents. This could be a truly bonding and eye-opening experience for the awkward teenagers and the ones that are supposed to serve as their authority figures. But it's all prevented by explicit language and imagery.

What did you think of Big Mouth? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.


I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.