Netflix Castlevania Season 3 - Does It Live Up To The Hype?

Never Adding Characters For Novelty

castlevania netflix

Season 2's For Love is the show's greatest episode, and the biggest obstacle to overcome. To match the sheer brilliance of the emotional showdown in that episode was always going to be a tough challenge.

Ultimately, this is never accomplished, but it should not discourage you. No single action scene or emotional moment quite equals Alucard and Dracula's final moment, but it never needed to for the season to work.

Falling short of absolute perfection and instead landing on near perfection is all we ever could have asked for. They recognised the challenge ahead of them and rose to face it spectacularly, and for this, I have nothing but praise.

That is not to say they never exceed Season 2, as on the contrary, in many ways it does.

The season introduces bizarre new concepts that dazzle the viewer; the story linking closer to the games it is inspired by.

For me to only hint at such wonderful moments would do them no justice at all. I can say with confidence that should you watch this season with an open mind, and get ready to be impressed.

You will finish it with amazement in your hearts and the following inevitable feeling of "now what" that accompanies the conclusion of great storytelling. We waited for a year with baited breath for Season 3 to land, it is spectacular, and now like good little fans, we will do the same for Season 4.

netflix castlevania

Watching them successfully navigate the minefield of writing a story after Dracula has filled me with confidence the show will continue to tell fantastic stories into the future.

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Photographer, Writer, Traveller, Gamer and film nerd. They will all shout, grow up, and I'll whisper, no....