Netflix's The Punisher: 10 Insanely Dark Moments That Won't Be Used
8. Frank's Miscarried Brother And Childhood Traumas
In 2006, Punisher: The Tyger one-shot took readers back to the 1960s to tell a very dark story from Frank Castles childhood. The story picks up with Frank as a ten year old boy before the military, before the death of his family, before the vigilantism. A school classmate of Franks commits suicide, and thats only the beginning of the story. Young Frank also finds out that his mother miscarried, and that he would have had a brother if she hadnt. The story is framed in flashback, with the fully-grown Frank pondering how these tragedies affected his younger self. He remembers hearing about the idea of the Tyger a powerful creature from a William Blake poem that lives outside of society and wasnt created by God, but is necessary in order for every other species to survive. It wasnt until he was older that Frank would realise that he was the Tyger: that he wasnt destined for happiness, but to rid the world of filth so that everyone else can sleep soundly at night. This seems a little bit too dark for Marvel Studios to adapt directly. Children suicides and stillborn siblings might work as comic book backstory, but showing his on screen would make for a depressing viewing experience that would jar with the rest of the MCU. It seems far more likely that The Punisher will arrived fully formed, with only a few flashbacks to explain his origins.