Netflix's The Punisher: 10 Insanely Dark Moments That Won't Be Used

6. The Punisher Revenge-Kills Every Marvel Hero, And Himself

In 1995, Garth Ennis wrote The Punisher Kills The Marvel Universe. Therein, Ennis imagined a €˜what if?€™ world where Frank Castle€™s family were killed due to getting caught in superhero crossfire rather than gangland mobster warfare. When Cyclops of the X-Men offered a half-arsed apology, Castle snapped and shot him in the head from point-blank range. This sent Castle on a revenge spiral, as he committed himself to hunting down and killing every superhero in existence. Spider-Man is next to take a bullet, with The Punisher explaining that €˜someone had to go first€™ just after blowing his brains out. He gathered a load of mutants on the moon before nuking them all. He kills all the supervillains, too. Franks saves Daredevil for last. He peeks under the mask after the fact and realises that the red-suited superhero was none other than his good friend, Matt Murdock. Realising that there€™s just one more person that deserves to die, Frank turns his gun on himself and commits suicide. You don€™t need me to tell you why the MCU won€™t adapt this storyline. For starters, there wouldn't be an MCU left afterwards.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.