Only Sheldon Would Score 100% On This Big Bang Theory Quiz!

Take this quiz and see if your IQ stacks up to the best IQ on "The Big Bang Theory"

The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory ran from 2007 to 2019, making it one of the longest-running live-action sitcoms of all time. It all started with a big bang.... and four geeks and an attractive blonde next-door neighbour.

Known for its acute use of scientific fact and hypothesis, The Big Bang Theory brings out the nerd in all of us. It taught us that you don't always need to be two peas in a pod to be best friends. Penny and Sheldon were at two very opposite ends of the social scale when they first met, but by the end, they were the best of friends. Most would agree that it's because of these two characters that the show was such a hit.

If you love the show as much as Sheldon loves train, you should have no problems acing this quiz. Test your Big Bang Theory knowledge and see how much you can remember.

Answers are at the end!

1. Who Is Sheldon's Second Favourite Catwoman Actress?


Software Engineer by day and a self-proclaimed writer by night, this highly functional sociopath is an avid follower of pop culture and everything nerdy. Every hour he can be seen ranting about social media and working up a migraine over everything on Twitter (What a hypocrite!).