Orange Is The New Black Season 5: 14 Biggest WTF Moments

1. Red's Revenge

Orange Is The New Black WTF

After Piscatella cuts off her hair, Red is left shocked and ashamed. Her friends, also tied up by the sadist, shout in hope that someone will hear them. When Frieda and others set an elaborate trap and catch him, Red wants immediate revenge. However, other women point out that by torturing him she will be no different from Piscatella.

In the end, Red allows the man to walk away in silence and disgrace. That way she proves him wrong - she isn't just a criminal or inmate, but someone more. Red is an actual human being with conscience and emotions. Piscatella sees that he was the one in the wrong here, so he's unable to say anything.


I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.