Orange Is The New Black: Top 10 Moments Of Season 3

1. Piper€™s Stone-Cold Betrayal

Despite the audience€™s lukewarm feelings for the erstwhile main character, Piper Chapman still manages to steal Season 3€™s show by the end of it all. Her storyline throughout the season was alternately boring, bizarre, and occasionally funny, but the very last moment with Piper has viewers €“ hopefully €“ finally cheering for her, and at long last. While Piper€™s disgusting but weirdly hilarious used-panty business is booming, she ends up running into money troubles as one of her €˜panty girls€™ has made off with the hard-earned, illegal dough. While Ruby Rose€™s Stella Carlin has becoming increasingly popular (most probably as a result of the exquisite Ruby Rose herself, as the character had few interesting moments) after the release of Season 3, she ends up screwing over her new lover Piper to get her hands on some money for the outside world, as her release is impending and she has nothing but twenty bucks to her name. Though at first it seems all is forgiven between the two, correctional officers interrupt their rendez-vous with reports of contraband in Stella€™s bunk €“ contraband that Piper herself had found earlier in her search for a cell phone for the business. As Stella is carted off to Max, Piper serenely looks on, revealing, briefly, her €œTrust No B*tch€ tattoo that Stella herself had done in white ink on Piper€™s arm; an observing Boo astutely claims that this sweet, sweet vengeance was served €œstone cold.€ Which were your favourite Orange Is The New Black moments? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.