Orphan Black: 10 Reasons We Can't Wait Until Season 2

10. We Might See More Clones

The season one finale killed off Helena, who initially seemed like a pile of clichés but became more sympathetic and more unhinged as the series went on. Her arc had run its course by the final episode and the writers were right to remove her character from the show, but Helena will be sorely missed in season two. We know that the writers and Maslany don't really deal in heroes and villains but in damaged characters, so won't there be more where that came from? Perhaps not, if the trailer's disembodied voice is correct: "There's nine of you." Ten identical women have been named on the series thus far, so if he's discounting Neolution's willing collaborator Rachel (more on her later), we could have seen all the Tatiana Maslany clones in existence already. While in some ways we'd be disappointed, we've got some fantastic characters to really get to know, but whoever is speaking may just be lying to Sarah. It's not as if that's unprecedented.
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Grace Murray hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.