4. The Cinematography
Visually, its beautiful, none more so than at the end of Episode 1 and the beginning of episode 2 (Again, I shant spoil it). Like any good work of cinema, or HBO miniseries (Oh look, they co-produced this! What a co-winky-dink!), it has a distinct, rich and accomplished visual style, and beautiful palette of light and dark, bright and drab, cold and passionate. It complements the machinations of plots and journeys of its characters, rather than stand out (odd comparison, but much like Alan Silvestris score for
Predator, where the soundtrack is part fot eh jugnles character, not just music put over the top of the film). Its certainly more attractive and more varied than the usual colour schemes we get- do the same guys work on all of them? The only period drama I can think of in recent memory that stands out in any way cinematographically is
The Kings Speech.
Parades End has reared it beautiful head and taken KKKing Georges crown. And its always nice to have something pretty to look at.