Parks And Recreation: 15 Incredibly Subtle Jokes And Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

6. The Pot Culprit Revealed

Parks and Recreation Jamm Sign

In Season 2's "The Stakeout," the plot revolves around Leslie finding marijuana growing in a community garden and trying to catch the perpetrator, but she's never able to do so. Way later on in the season, although it goes by rather quickly, the culprit is actually discovered. 

During "Summer Catalog," Leslie invites all the old parks directors to a picnic, and one of them, Michael, turns out to be a pot-smoking hippie. Apparently he smoked marijuana on the job and in the parks constantly, and as a result, he's still on parole today. While arguing that pot should be legal because it grows in the ground, Michael says, "I planted marijuana in community gardens all over the city and it hasn't hurt anyone!" Leslie is understandably shocked, and part of that is probably because she just finally solved the mystery


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.