Parks And Recreation: Every Main Character Ranked Worst To Best
10. Ann Perkins
Ann Perkins is a thoroughly likeable character and was played with a significant amount of charm from the fantastic Rashida Jones. Sadly, her position in the Parks and Rec pecking order is low as she was never presented as all that fascinating of a character.
The majority of Ann's humour and personality came from her connection to the other roles, and the show itself even poked fun at this by having her adopt the personality of whoever she dated. This ultimately gave Ann a feeling of irrelevance as it was clear she lacked an individual character of her own.
The writers attempted to combat this after realising how little development they had given Ann, but every decision made to provide her with identifying traits faltered.
Her connection with Leslie was an absolute high point, and a lot of the heart of the series came from their sisterly adoration of each other. However, outside of this one connection, no characters - except perhaps Chris - would have been affected by her absence. Which we know to be true, as Rashida Jones departed from the series and it still ran perfectly fine.