Parks And Recreation: Every Main Character Ranked Worst To Best
5. Ben Wyatt

The career of Adam Scott has been full of great characters, and the majority of them have been incredibly unlikeable. Somehow this performer is a master of playing arrogant and crude parts, but in the case of his starring role in Parks and Recreation, this typecast couldn't be further from the truth.
Ben Wyatt was introduced into the series in Season Two, and practically filled the hole that was left by Mark Brendanawicz's departure. However, unlike Paul Schneider, Adam Scott was incredibly well-suited to this show and slotted in perfectly.
The former mayor and creator of the dreaded Ice-Town was a massive geek, and this put him in a unique position against the rest of the roles. He was charming and adorable, thanks to his obsession with popular culture and his plentiful pop culture references.
Further from this, Ben went through so many stages and proved himself to be an incredibly caring/thoughtful person. A great example comes from his relationship with Leslie- which is easily one of the best sitcom romances ever put to screen.
Ben was excellent and only ranks this low down because of the tough competition he is up against.