Parks And Recreation Or Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Progressively Harder Ron Swanson Or Captain Holt Quiz

Will you prove you know Captain Holt and Ron Swanson better than anyone else? Let's find out!


Parks and Recreation and Brooklyn Nine-Nine have two fearless leaders who don't let their emotions get the best of them.

Captain Raymond Holt and Ron Swanson might not be the most outspoken members of their teams but they know how to get the best out of their employees.

Ron knows that Leslie has what it takes to get things done, so even though her enthusiasm might annoy him, she will always work hard. He even spots the talent of apathetic April, making her his assistant.

Captain Holt knows that working as a team is what makes his squad so good. He takes a special interest in talented but childish Jake, knowing he was destined to be a great cop.

The question is, can you tell stoic leaders Ron Swanson and Captain Raymond Holt apart? This quiz will test even the biggest fans of Parks and Recreation and Brooklyn Nine-Nine as we ask you to identify who each of these 12 quotes are about.

Do you remember if it was Ron or Captain Holt that played the saxophone in secret? Can you recall who it was that had convertible car named Gertie?

Will you prove you know Captain Holt and Ron Swanson better than anyone else? Let's find out!

1. Has A Dog Named Cheddar.


Jen Gallie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.