Parks And Recreation Quiz: Can You Remember The Middle Names Of These Characters?

How well do you know the residents of Pawnee?

Parks and Rec

There’s been some talk lately of a possible Parks and Recreation reunion to follow the likes of Will and Grace, Sex and the City and Dexter which in recent times have returned to our screens and a revival of Frasier is just around the corner.

Amy Poehler, who immortalised Leslie Knope on the small screen in Parks and Recreation, confirmed just last month act she would “be down” for another reboot or revival if it were ever to happen.

Of course we saw the majority of the Pawnee main cast return for a special during the pandemic and that just made our mouth water for a full on revival even more.

As we await more news on the Parks and Recreation reunion, all we can do is look back at its 125 episodes and enjoy what we have.

For today's quiz we're asking if you can remember the middle names of the Pawnee characters. Sadly, we never did find out the middle names of Ben Wyatt, Chris Traeger, Mark Brendanawicz or Donna Meagle but nine other main and supporting characters from Parks and Recreation we certainly did and you are quizzed on them below.

Answers at the end!

1. Ron Swanson


Katie Hargreaves hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.