Parks And Recreation Quiz: Did April Ludgate Say It?

Did these quotes come from Pawnee's most sarcastic resident?

april ludgate drinking

Parks and Recreation is filled with many standout characters - from the stern and grumpy Ron Swanson to the cheerful and optimistic Leslie Knope, each bringing something unique to the series. Seeing their conflicting personalities bounce off each other kept the show engaging for its seven season run.

One of the most well known characters from the show was Aubrey Plaza's April Ludgate, a young intern at the Parks Department. She's sarcastic, has little regard for other people and is more interested in messing with her co-workers than actually being of any help to them. However, over the course of the show, she grows into someone who cares for those close to her and begins to search for what she wants out of life.

Despite her growth, April never quite loses that edge that made her stand out and continued to deliver some the best quips and one liners throughout the series. With so many great and memorable lines, do you think you'll be able to tell which of these quotes come from April and which don't?

1. "Being Nice Made Me Feel Terrible."


Alex Paget hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.