Parks And Recreation Quiz: Who Said It - Ron Swanson Or April Ludgate?

They both hated the world and much of Pawnee but found respect with each other. But who said it?


Perhaps the most underrated mentor/student relationship in any US sitcom is the dichotomy between Ron Swanson and his intern turned assistant April Ludgate in Parks and Recreation. In a weird way they support each other by challenging each other to deal with things neither are ever comfortable with.

Ron Swanson pretty much hates working with everyone but the more time he spent with April the more he found someone he could not only tolerate but function well with. April herself was also not a fan of other humans but found a kinship and respect with Ron that forced her to let her guard down and strike a true and unlikely bond with someone.

April Ludgate and Ron Swanson had way more in common than you would think at first glance, not just in how they acted but also in ways they spoke. Can you tell their quotes apart from the over 100 episodes they appeared and interacted in together and their world-weary and Pawnee hating ways.

Remember you can find the answers at the very end. Good luck!

1. ”There Has Never Been A Sadness That Can’t Been Cured By Breakfast Food.”


Emma Hannah hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.