Parks And Recreation: The Progressively Harder Leslie Or April Quiz

Only the biggest fans of Parks and Recreation will get 100% on this Leslie and April quiz.

Parks and Recreation April Leslie Knope

In Parks and Recreation, Leslie Knope has an ability to see the best in every situation and almost every person. When it comes to April Ludgate, Leslie looks past her blasé attitude and sees the potential she has to succeed.

Knope has a habit of pushing people. and April is one of them. Both her and Ron spot April's promise and continuously give her more and more responsibility. Much to April's dismay, she becomes Ron's assistant and then Chris'. Eventually, she takes on a lot of Leslie's duties at the Parks Department when Knope has other things going on.

All this success helps April push herself to find her dream career. She even looks into her childhood dream of becoming a mortician, though ultimately ends up like Leslie; in a career that helps others with their potential.

Leslie and April's close relationship means they know all there is to know about each other. The question is, do you know everything about them? Only the biggest fans of Parks and Recreation will be able to get 100% on this ultimate Leslie and April quiz. All you have to do is work out who each of the 12 statements refer to.

Will you prove your knowledge of Leslie and April? Let's find out!

Answers at the end!

1. Loves Belgium Waffles From J.J.'s Diner.


Jen Gallie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.