Parks And Recreation: You'll Never 100% This Fill In The Gaps Leslie Knope Quotes Quiz

Do you remember these quotes from the waffle loving Deputy Director of the Parks Department?

Leslie Knope Parks And Rec

One of the biggest strengths of Parks and Recreation is without question the strength of the characters. They're all extremely funny, incredibly memorable and work well off each other, which in an ensemble cast is hugely important. If you want an example of how good the characters are, then look no further than the show's protagonist, Leslie Knope.

Enthusiastic, hard working and bursting with positivity, Leslie started out as nothing more than the Deputy Director of the Parks and Recreation department in the town of Pawnee. However, the series showed Leslie's journey from that low level position in a local government to moving to up to high ranking offices of power.

For the seven seasons, Amy Poehler brought a sense of relatability to Leslie. She could deliver the laughs, but also the heart. The infectious energy and passion in her performance kept audiences hooked and rooting for her till the very end.

But, just how closely were you paying attention on Leslie's journey? If you think you know the queen of waffles and scrapbooks as well as her husband Ben Wyatt, then take this quiz and see how many quotes you can complete.

1. "I Looked At The Meter And It Had ____ On It, Do You Know The Exchange Rate?"


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