Parks & Recreation: You'll Never 100% This Ron Swanson Quiz

How well do you remember Pawnee's meat-obsessed outdoorsman?

Ron Swanson Parks And Recreation

Parks and Recreation is one of the greatest TV sitcoms of the last decade, largely due to the wonderfully diverse cast of characters at the forefront.

And while Leslie Knope will always be the beating heart of the show, the fan favourite just might be Parks and Rec Director Ron Swanson, the gruff man's man who loathes only one thing more than vegetarians: the government.

What undeniably elevates Ron beyond mere caricature, however, is Nick Offerman's pitch perfect performance, allowing just enough humanity to bubble up underneath his steely exterior to make him a relatable human being.

And so, with the series having been off the air for over five years now, just how well do you remember Ron?

From his most iconic quotes and most outlandish behaviour to his more niche anecdotes and attributes, you'll need to be a die-hard Swanson obsessive to get anywhere close to 100% on this quiz.

But no matter your score, the answers are at the end as ever, so good luck!

1. Which Political Party Does Ron Vote For?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.