Peep Show Series 8: 8 Reasons To Be Excited

3. Jeremy€™s Love Interest

You can guarantee that with a new series, Jeremy will be starting upon a new endeavour to find his soul mate. . . . . or at least manipulate his way into bed with them. We have seen him get into sticky love tangles with neighbour Toni, American Nancy, Big Suze, Zahra, who€™s boyfriend was in a coma when they met, bi-sexual Elena, involved in a lesbian relationship, Mark€™s sister, Mark€™s fiancé at the time, Sophie, Sophie€™s Mum, even Super Hans! (albeit whilst very intoxicated)....all of which have ended terribly. I€™d be happy for any one of these old flames return into Jeremy€™s life, but I expect trouble will be ahead for a new love interest who should know better.
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Danny - 29, love gaming, sport and movies. Please let me know if you have an issue with any of my opinions and I will duly ignore them