ShowtimeWe're living in a new golden age of television. With stuff like Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Dexter and The Wire all hitting our screens within the past ten years, the small screen is now just as big an attraction as the big one. Penny Dreadful has continued that trend, with its first season having just wrapped. The second has been announced for 2015, so we can start to speculate the public domain characters who might appear next year. For the uninitiated, the core of the show is Victorian horror. Our ragtag band of protagonists are both original in nature like Vanessa Ives and Ethan Chandler and drawn from famous literary works such as Dr. Frankenstein, Dracula and Dorian Gray. With a warning for a few minor spoilers here for those who haven't watched the entire first season yet, let's put on our speculation caps and guesstimate who could pop up next season. These range from wild guesses to people who already may have links to what's already transpired. We had to knock up a few ground rules for this list. It'd have to be someone who fits the setting, you couldn't have Long John Silver rucking up post-Treasure Island as it would spoil the atmosphere somewhat. Also, they'd have to have a link, even if it's pretty tenuous, to what we've seen already in the first season. Alright then, away we go.