Picard: 15 ESSENTIAL Star Trek Episodes To Watch First (And Why)
The best Star Trek stories to understand Picard's final mission...

In just a matter of months, we're going to see the probably conclusion of one of the most compelling stories in sci-fi - the personal history of Captain Jean-Luc Picard thanks to the new, forthcoming TV series. So far, the plot is a fairly closely guarded secret, but we have been given lots of hints at what to expect thanks to the trailers and it looks as though we're in for a tale of Romulan aggression, the Borg and underhand Federation dealings.
And all of that - plus Picard's own landmark experiences in The Next Generation - can be explored into the past too, because this show is one fundamentally rooted in the shows that came before it. As such, there are lots of key episodes across the Star Trek spectrum that might well be important stepping stones to get to Picard.
While there's still time, these are the key episodes of Star Trek you really ought to be watching as a pre-cursor to Picard's release in January...
Honourable Mention
Star Trek: First Contact, Nemesis & Star Trek (2009)

It's obviously not a TV episode, but First Contact - as a continuation of Picard's story - is an important step on his journey to where he is at the beginning of the upcoming show. Mostly because of how it works into his relationship with the Borg, which is clearly going to be an important part of the show.
The Borg were Picard's moral blindspot, despite his otherwise progressive spirit and Picard SHOULD redefine how he sees them as a species and not just a conquering, malevolent force.
On top of that, it's important to watch Nemesis, because it explores the machination of Romulan extremism and also has Data's sacrifice in it, which is a key event for the show. And you should also watch JJ Abrams' Star Trek because the destruction of Romulus that has been established as a keystone to the Picard series, happens within it. You really need to be aware of that.