Picard: 15 ESSENTIAL Star Trek Episodes To Watch First (And Why)

13. “The Measure Of A Man” (TNG - Season 2, Episode 9)

Star Trek TNG The Measure Of A Man

This one is arguably one of the most important episodes of Star Trek you need to watch before Picard is released.

When Data’s status as an individual with rights is scrutinised by the Federation, Picard rises to his defence in one of the most blatant allegories the show explored for civil rights. Obviously, it's a great episode in terms of Patrick Stewart's performance, but it's the substance of the plot that really matters, if androids (and Borg) as living entities are going to be as big a part of the show as it seems right now.

It will also be interesting to see how Picard's unfaltering commitment to the rights of the individual here will come into play when he's forced to make the same decisions about the Borg.

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