QUIZ: How Well Do You Know These Classic US TV Characters?
Just how good is your knowledge of TV characters of yesteryear?
Have you ever wondered about some of your favorite old-time TV characters beyond what is revealed on their shows? Sure, we know the surfacing facts about these TV characters that we routinely get familiar with week after week. Still, there is always that mystique about these treasured fictional personalities making us want to learn more about who they are in general.
Sometimes the most inconsequential facts about a TV character can bring a whole new appreciation for identifying with them. And let's face it...knowing the nonsensical nuances of some of your TV characters from yesteryear or today guarantees some well-earned bragging rights.
As a faithful television viewer why not take the opportunity to explore your curiosity about some of your vintage TV characters? Have you ever wondered what a TV character's full name was instead of the given nickname or title? What about contemplating where they hail from?
So let's test our total TV recall on some of the classic characters that most of us have grown to embrace on a pop cultural scale throughout the years. The casual concept of cozying up to your favorite TV character may never be the same again.