Ranking Every 2017 Comic Book TV Show Worst To Best

5. Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Agents of SHIELD Promo

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. might still have its detractors, but there's no arguing that the show had an amazing year.

What was once a fairly innocuous and - dare I say it - mediocre Marvel series, has become one of the company's best and brightest properties, staking a claim for being one of the best MCU-related properties out there and a fine improvement over most of Netflix's Marvel offerings at that.

For the most part, none of this is new information. Phil Coulson's merry band of special agents have been tearing up the MCU for the past two or so years, only now, they've had the addition of Ghost Rider to solidify their very real, very enjoyable small-screen resurgence.

It would appear as though the series will be on its way out soon, however. Disney reportedly stepped in to save it from cancellation at the end of last year and, while a shift to space seems to only be making things better, its qualities keep getting overlooked en masse.

While it might be a case of 'too little, too late' for the show, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been phenomenal this year, and every True Believer would do well to give it another shot.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.