Ranking Every 2017 Comic Book TV Show Worst To Best

26. Powerless

Powerless Vanessa Hudgens

Of all the comic book series set to be released in 2017, Powerless should've been a surefire hit.

An original property situated within the DC Universe, Powerless followed a group of ordinary citizens as they live their life within the bombast of a world chockfull of costumes, capes, and city-levelling events. It also had a brilliant cast, with Vanessa Hudgens, Alan Tudyk and Community's Dani Pudi leading the charge in a show that was, upon the release of its Comic Con preview, set to be DC's next big thing.

And yet, for some reason or another, it never managed to come together. Showrunner Ben Queen had left the series and it then failed to hit the ground running during its season premier, falling victim to a generic brand of comedy that was in no way befitting of the stellar premise - or cast - the series had to boast. It was then cancelled, because, y'know, no one wants to watch a comedy that isn't funny.

RIP, Powerless. You will be missed.

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The Gifted
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Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.