Ranking Every Major MCU Netflix Villain From Worst To Best

5. Shades (Luke Cage)

Jessica Jones Kilgrave

Speaking of Shades, he is a villain that just oozes charisma. Like Mariah, Shades also has a powerful force of personality, and his influence on all those around him is clear.

After all, it was Shades who cemented Mariah's full turn to the dark side, aiding her in tapping into the pure aggression that lies beneath the surface. The detail in which he describes to Mariah how to cover up a murder is legitimately frightening and Shade's stone-cold personality doesn't stop there.

He is a master criminal who can work you over with his fists just as easily as he can execute you with a gun (which was likely aided by the time he spent in Seagate Prison with Luke Cage) and the scene where he thwarts Diamondback's attempt on his life is incredible.

Plus, the way he speaks is enough to send chills down your spine, he plays off every character he interacts with perfectly, and he's snarky as Hell when he wants to be, with the scene in which he repeatedly demands a lawyer while being interrogated by Misty Knight being one of the show's finest moments.


A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.