Ratched Review: 5 Ups & 3 Downs

1. Sarah Paulson's Performance

Ratched Sarah Paulson

Ratched may not be a flawless series, but if there is one aspect of the prequel that's hard to fault, it's the leading performance from Sarah Paulson. All of the cast do great things with the material that they are given - even if not all of that material is worthy of them - but it's Paulson who stands apart as the true star of this production.

A powerhouse of screen, this long under-appreciated performer has gotten the recognition she deserves because of her performances in Murphy's American Horror Story and her Emmy-winning turn in The People v OJ Simpson: American Crime Story, so it's unsurprising that she steals the show once again here.

As Mildred Ratched, she says more with a look than any words could ever and yet she finds a way to make the character seem oddly endearing at times too, showcasing another side to her in the process.

Louise Fletcher's unforgettable performance in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest is the reason why Nurse Ratched is the cinematic icon that she is, so it's nothing short of incredible that Paulson managed to deliver a performance that not only did that justice but equalled it in every imaginable way.


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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.